Spring Birds

Every year during spring I become a little bird nerd. I can’t help it but I start noticing every bird around me and I always keep an eye out for rare species. This spring I had just bought a new video camera, and always kept it nearby, so I ended up with a lot of photos of the little feathered perchers. I’m in the mood to post so here are a few photos:

While I was fishing the Henry’s Fork Salmon Fly hatch this year a Yellow-rumped Warbler hopped up on a rock near me.

This male Ruby-crowned Kinglet hung around for a while near the golf course where I take my dog for walks. They’re pretty small and very shy, so I was lucky to get this photo; especially because of the little bit of red showing on his crown. Only the males have it and rarely show it except during breeding season.

Here's an American Goldfinch:

And a Lazuli Bunting:

And three birds that I had never seen until this year. A White-crowned Sparrow, a black-capped Wilson's Warbler, and a rare Green-tailed Towhee:

This spring we had a pair of Killdeer nest near our house.

When you get near their nest, (which is on the ground amongst pebbles and dirt), or near their flightless chicks, they act like they're hurt in an attempt to lure you away. Rudy fell for it and ran after the male, which he didn't catch. I, on the other hand, am smarter than the dog (thankfully) so I stayed put and scanned the ground near me, which revealed it's camouflaged secret:

We watched these eggs till they hatched into two cute little chicks. They ran around on the grass for a few days until they got eaten by a hawk.

And finally...an American Robin. Not very rare, I know. But I just like this picture.

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