Running on thin slippery boards

In honor of the 100+ degree weather we've had today, I have decided to post about one aspect of the outdoors that I'd love to be doing right now. I've been cross-country skiing several times in my life and every time I do I come home feeling so invigorated, thinking to myself, "I really should do that more often." We usually pick a place to ski where we have to break trail through powder; that way we are guaranteed to encounter only resident moose and beautiful views such as this:

During my most recent trip, upon reaching our destination, I made myself a Lazy-Boy out of snow, (there was definitely no shortage of it), and whipped up a cup of hot chocolate.

That night at Walmart I saw these for only $2.00 each so I bought some. (Yes they really work. All you have to do is push a button on the bottom and wait five minutes. And the hot cocoa tastes great). Unfortunately they still sit in my cupboard today because I never found the occasion to use them.

The only cross-country trip that I wish I hadn't gone on was the time I took a girl who I met one random day at Home Depot. I'm not sure if I was just date desperate and therefore oblivious when I met her, or if the girl I went out with was actually a different girl than the one I met at the store, but do I explain it. How about this: ditzy motor mouth wearing too much leopard print.

Usually I go skiing with my brother Devin, who probably loves it as much or more than I. Here he is praying to the weather gods that they might warm it up a little. I think they answered his prayer in excess, just six months too late.

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