A rub, a squirrel, and a Bambi bath.

There's no real theme for this post, just a few random videos from the Nebraska woods where I hunt.

Yes those are green leaves and green grass in the middle of October; a strange sight for a Utah boy. October for me usually means the trees are bare and the color green has long since gone into hibernation. The canal is the same that Rudy almost drowned in, just a mile or two upstream. At the end of the video you see a small tree with the bark rubbed off. Male whitetail bucks do that for the same reason male dogs lift their legs; like a "No Trespassing" sign to let others know that this property has been claimed by a big buck. I appreciate him letting me know he's around. Makes it easier to decide where to place my treestand.

Right after I took this he came up the back side of my tree and didn't see me until he was almost within arm's reach. I'm sure his little adrenaline glands erupted upon seeing, of all things, a big ugly human perched in his tree, staring him in the face. The poor little guy basically flew through the branches trying to get far enough away to feel safe. He then angrily chewed me out for the next twenty minutes. We have squirrels like this all over our front yard as well. Rudy loves chasing them whenever he can.

And finally...a video that proves Bambi's mom was never actually shot. Here she is giving Bambi a spit bath near my treestand.

Oh how cute. Right after this I put the camera down and shot her.

Just kidding, of course! I let them feed on through. It's fun watching nature when it doesn't know you're watching. At the same time it feels weird like I'm some kind of peeping Tom. That squirrel sure treated me like one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, I When I saw those pictures I thought I would have seen them on your blog with cross-hairs on them. After the beef jerky you had the other day I can't wait for deer jerky. Go ahead and shoot Bambi, I won't complain. Can't you just taste the deer jerky already?