Ducks, Dogs, and Decoys

Until recently I had never been duck hunting. I had hunted ducks before, well...I had shot at ducks before, but never actually went duck hunting (with boats, waders, dogs, decoys, etc.) When I came to Utah during the Christmas break JD and I went out one day to do just that.

Long before the sun began to offer its light we had the canoe floating amidst the ice of the Bear River. Rudy and Lily each sported neoprene vests to keep them warm as we made our way up the main channel.

I was also in new waders I got from Bass Pro in Iowa. I still get some kind of power thrill when I walk in freezing cold water but remain dry and warm. Like when it's raining cats and dogs outside your tent but you're curled up comfy in your sleeping bag dozing off. Take that mother nature.

While setting up decoys I actually stepped off an unseen, underwater cliff and fell in up to my chest. Luckily my waders rise up to my armpits so no water got in, otherwise it would have been a cold ride back to the truck.

We shot a lot of steel into the air that day and more than a few ducks fell. Lily retrieved them. Rudy didn't know what to do. He had never even seen a duck till that day.

We flushed a few from the canoe and on foot, and hit the others over the decoys after calling 'em in. Well...we were calling and they came in. Whether one caused the other could be debated, but you never know. Let's just pretend I speak duck. As for the little guy, he had fun running through the snow and riding in the canoe, pretending to be a tough hunting dog. By the end of the day he was ready to go home, curl up on Courtney's lap, and be the pet that he really is.

I love being outside. Thanks JD for enduring the cold with me. And thanks for missing all the birds so I'd look better. :)

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