One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Feather

Have you seen that new fad in the hair-styling world? The one where they use feathers as hair extensions?

Well those special feathers are typically used to tie flies, so hairdressers everywhere have recently been raiding fly shops and have bought them all out. Simple economics says that when demand is high and supply is low prices sky-rocket, and such has been the case in this instance. I had a bunch of these feathers that I bought for $40 dollars years ago, and I just sold them on eBay for $315.00.

I took that money and bought, among other things, a new training collar for my new hunting companion.

Speaking of my new little pup, she's not so little anymore.

She has a ton of energy but I've been trying to put it to good use.

It's hard to own a puppy. If it's not your shoe it's something else.

A couple of months ago she and Rudy found this in our backyard.

I thought the whole "play dead" thing was just a myth. Turns out it's true. I took this picture, came back outside after I showed my wife, and it had crawled away. Hopefully never to return.

Chapter Two

October 1st - Chapter 2 from Dan Felix on Vimeo.

I don't mind the killing part of hunting when you actually get to use the animal you kill. But it makes me sick inside to wound them. Thankfully I really don't think this deer will die. He'll have a sore muscle for a little while, but deer are resilient as evidenced by the bigger buck that limped by that morning with a leg that had obviously been broken for awhile. Probably hit by a car. Sad.

What a day. What a hunt. I'm glad I passed up those little bucks and does on opening morning, and who knows what I have in store for me the rest of the hunt. Stay tuned.